Hello my name is lily and I am a Springer spaniel and I live in Co Cavan with my carer (apparently i'm not allowed to call them servants!) along with my step sister Loki, who came to live with me as a companion, not that we have much in common, she’s big boned obsessed with swimming and is what can only be described as the sporty type and to be frank, smells.

The carers say that all her breed have this “natural” smell personally I think she just pongs, but to be honest I do quite like her even though we are very different. And then there’s Louis, Louis the foundling, one day when loki and I were going to the forest park for our early morning perambulation, I saw something run across the road in front of us.

I made the carer stop the car and investigate. After watching her climb over the gate into the ditch and then into the hedge. All very entertaining to watch I might add! She came out with a very sorry looking bundle, very thin and scared. After a quick trip to our wonderful Vet Claudia, he came home to stay with us until a new home can be found for him, personally I don’t think he’s trying to hard……..

Well that's my family. I hope your family enjoy my treats as much as mine does,


Love Lily x x x